The goal of the Tallahassee Media Impact project is to address issues faced in Tallahassee through media productions.
"What began as a local teenager's internship evolved into a multimedia project highlighting youth poverty...."
"...professional production quality of the Youth Poverty documentary, which features interviews with youths, as well as leaders..."
This documentary gives an overview of the poverty faced by thousands of youth in Tallahassee. The documentary was presented to 250+ community leaders including members of the Florida state legislature during Whole Child Leon's 2020 Summit on Children.
The Gen Z Media team interviewed Courtney Atkins, Whole Child Leon Executive Director, and Talethia Edwards, President of Greater Bond Neighborhood Association, in order to gain insight on the impact of the Popup Preschool Program.
This production tells the story of several members of Tallahassee's Indian Community. The documentary was presented to nearly 400 people at the 2019 Utsav Festival in Tallahassee.